Correspondence Course - Level 1

I wrote this course in 2007 to be more in depth than what can be put in a book.  "Rosemaling Styles, Study and Design" didn't have room to put everything I wanted to include, so I took on this project.

Over the years I have found people wanting to learn rosemaling but do not have a teacher near where they live.  Finally I decided to try this venture and see if I can be helpful to students from afar.  I decided not to do it on line at this point because I want to see your work personally, make suggestions and give you a good critique.

This "Level 1" is the first of four that I have planned.  They willl cover all styles of rosemaling and in the last level design techniques are included.  The student at this level can learn how to make their own designs, I will critique them, send them back and then they can be painted and sent back for critique.

I'm excited about this project and hope it is something you will find helpful and want to work through.  Please don't be intimidated.  It takes growth and progress which I hope I can provide you with the proper tools.  Please don't wait and not start because you want send me something that's perfect.  I'm not looking for perfection, but to help you with what you are having trouble with.  I'll look forward to working with many of you that want to paint beautiful, graceful rosemaling.

Price:  US - $175.00     Canada - $200.00  International - $275.00

Price: $175.00